Keeping your high performing employees devoted team players isn’t easy and shouldn’t be taken for granted. Your rock star is the most likely member of your team to get bored and jump ship if you aren’t giving him or her the love and attention they deserve. Too often we neglect our best employees and spend our precious management time and development resources on poor performers.

Here are a few ways to help keep your rock star’s star from flaming out:

  1. Commend
    We often take for granted that our best performers know how much we value them. Be sure you’re recognizing their efforts often or someone else will woe them away. A few words of appreciation go long way.
  2. Communicate
    Do you know what your best employee wants next for their career or where they see themselves in a few years? It may not be with your organization if you aren’t talking to them about future growth and your vision for them going forward. Sit down and ask about their career aspirations and how you can make those dreams come true. Who knows. You might be able to make each other’s dreams a reality.
  3. Cultivate
    Rather than spending time and resources on fixing problem employees, your employee development dollars are better invested in the same people you rely so heavily day-to-day. Create situations where your top performers can be side-by-side with other high performers by making sure they participate in their professional society, community boards and leadership programs such as a Leadership Posse.

Nurturing top performers is very deliberate and very personal. However, a small investment of time and development dollars in your top performers is inexpensive compared to the cost of replacing your best team members.

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